Videohive Pretty Sweet 2D Animation Toolkit V2 18421392

Videohive Pretty Sweet 2D Animation Toolkit V2 18421392
Last Update August 18 | AE Version CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | Resizable | No Plugin | 1.6gb
The biggest and the most impressive animation project. It’s PRETTY SWEET! Animation toolkit. This is not just template, this is an incredibly powerful animation constructor.
You don’t need to have professional skills in After Effects!

What is Pretty Sweet:
1000+ Animated Items.
300+ Transitions
40 Titles
5 Lower Thirds
8 Logo Reveals
Blob Tool
Editable Transiton
Liquid Animator
Sound FX
5 Music Tracks
100% After Effects.
Realtime Working
Pre-Rendered elements with alpha channel included
Detailed help file
After effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2017, CC 2018 and higher