Videohive Light Leaks Pack II 10966155

Videohive Light Leaks Pack II 10966155
Created 7 April 15 | Last Update 7 April 15 | Alpha Channel No | Looped Video No | Frame Rate 30 | Resolution 2560x1440 | Video Encoding Photo JPEG | | Number of Clips 12 | Total Clip(s) Length 1:20 | Individual Clip Lengths 6:20 | File Size 241mb
Package’s Description:
High-Quality motion graphics package coming with 12 light leaks 2K resolution. Quicktime JPEG, 2K, 30 FPS. 80 Seconds total duration.
Music Track
The preview music track “TRAILER” is NOT included in this package. You can buy it on Audiojungle. Created by Alex_Bess.
This motion graphics package includes 12 high-res movies. You can use them as light overlays in any video editing software supporting the blend modes
Footage used in this video preview are not include
80 second of high-res (2560 x 1440)
H264 Quictime 30 FPS
This project is perfect for:
burnt film, film burn, film reel, flash, grunge, lens flare, light, Light Leak, optical flare, s9mg-lights, s9motionggraphics
Package’s Description:
High-Quality motion graphics package coming with 12 light leaks 2K resolution. Quicktime JPEG, 2K, 30 FPS. 80 Seconds total duration.
Music Track
The preview music track “TRAILER” is NOT included in this package. You can buy it on Audiojungle. Created by Alex_Bess.
This motion graphics package includes 12 high-res movies. You can use them as light overlays in any video editing software supporting the blend modes
Footage used in this video preview are not include
80 second of high-res (2560 x 1440)
H264 Quictime 30 FPS
This project is perfect for:
burnt film, film burn, film reel, flash, grunge, lens flare, light, Light Leak, optical flare, s9mg-lights, s9motionggraphics

Video courtesy of

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