Videohive Quick Particles Logo Reveal Pack 9in1 15072389 - Free Download

Videohive Quick Particles Logo Reveal Pack 9in1 15072389
Created 1 March 16 | Last Update 1 March 16 | After Effects Version CS4 | Universal Expressions Yes | Length 0:04 | Media Placeholders 1 | Text Placeholders 1 | Resolution 1920x1080 | File Size 194.4MB
SOURCE: Videohive Quick Particles Logo Reveal Pack 9in1 15072389
9 unique version Quick Particles Logo Reveal include: Bend Line, Roller Coaster, Sharp Turn, Swirl Reveal, Lightning Reveal, Shaving Reveal, Curls Reveal, Wall to wall, Knot Reveal.
All main customization options like colors, particles gravity and glossy, background particles, tagline visible are easily accessible within ONE layer. Good as Logo Reveal, Intro or Openers for your project.
Just drop your logo or type your title and subtitle text, press render button and enjoy a show!
No plugins required
Easy customization with Control Layer
Easy customization Text and Logo
Optical Flares are Pre-Rendered file include
Resolution 1920×1080p
Duration logo animation: 4 seconds each
PDF Tutorial included
For single logo reveal, you can use few sounds pack: 1th Pack, 2th Pack, 3th Pack, 4th Pack
Intro music you can get here
This project is perfect for: dark, energy, fast, glow, gravity, impact, intro, logo, openers, pack, particles, quick, reveal, simple
9 unique version Quick Particles Logo Reveal include: Bend Line, Roller Coaster, Sharp Turn, Swirl Reveal, Lightning Reveal, Shaving Reveal, Curls Reveal, Wall to wall, Knot Reveal.
All main customization options like colors, particles gravity and glossy, background particles, tagline visible are easily accessible within ONE layer. Good as Logo Reveal, Intro or Openers for your project.
Just drop your logo or type your title and subtitle text, press render button and enjoy a show!
No plugins required
Easy customization with Control Layer
Easy customization Text and Logo
Optical Flares are Pre-Rendered file include
Resolution 1920×1080p
Duration logo animation: 4 seconds each
PDF Tutorial included
For single logo reveal, you can use few sounds pack: 1th Pack, 2th Pack, 3th Pack, 4th Pack
Intro music you can get here
This project is perfect for: dark, energy, fast, glow, gravity, impact, intro, logo, openers, pack, particles, quick, reveal, simple
Video courtesy of

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Download Videohive Quick Particles Logo Reveal Pack 9in1 15072389 with NITROFLARE